F5 Seeds
C. Chinense
Horizons are tasty with fruity hints. This variation was found by Danie Bester at the F3 generation from Purplegum Red XL/Horizon. Horizon was originally found from BBG Orange in 2017 by Bryan Townshend. Unfortunately the original was shared too early in which some people beat everyone to claiming this variation and changed the name. If labels are lost it’s not free game to make up new names and false claims. Many times identifications are incorrect and lead to more confusion. Horizon are like Bhut x Neyde in respect that many colors and variations should be expected. Over 100 different phenos have been already found and logged. I still wonder if BBG Orange itself was actually a green leaf variation of a dark leaf hybrid, and a dark leaf showed back up. Be careful with buying some things from one of a kind plants, given names without attempting to replicate the look. This variation only got about 10% of the plants to carry over the correct set of traits. Each one of the incorrect variations will lead to many more and some of the same, will appear that showed up throughout other lines of Horizon selections. Keep them as “Horizon “ and add your own additional name onto them if you find an unlogged variation. Full outright renaming variations from other people’s cross’s can be considered fraudulent and theft. If you want to name something, ask the hybridizer or source and spend a few generations on stabilizing. Many times if you contact the original source they will be willing to work with you, to understand the hybrid at hand. If they can’t elaborate then it should be a big red flag. There is not as many new crosses as some think. Many are mixups, misunderstandings, and variations of already existing hybrids. So many things are being named or going out way to early with little to no work put into them. Every time a variation doesn’t hold true it gets a new name and then when that doesn’t hold it gets another name. It becomes a perpetual string of new claims. Basically every variation has multiple names lately. It has become a rat race to claim variations as creations. With so many people growing you can expect that someone else found the same variation as well. Many times the hybridizer or original source has found them already and you don’t know if you don’t ask. Most hybridizers wont sell one of a kind plants without attempting to replicate and have at least a little stability. Due to the rename rat race, some selections will not be carried on. It’s a shame so many things have been soured. A common misconception is selecting multiple phenos from a single plant. “Phenos” more represent the variability of a single plant. Genotypes are the average overall look. Plants are an average and trying to select different "phenos” from one plant is unsound. All the peppers on the given plant will give close to the same variation or consistency of results when seeds are grown. You should have matching plants to show consistency. Blushing and purple foliage plants can vary in darkness and shape on the same plant, depending on the growing parameters. Proper selection of any hybrid takes many plants for each generation. A single hybrid can produce over 4,000 possible genetic assortments, with some not showing until deeper into the generations. Some selections will never stabilize while others might give more consistent results. Many “vendors” resort to social media smear campaigns against those that teach and show the truth in matters. Many people on social media have multiple dummy accounts to help with their shenanigans. Don’t be manipulated by those that only care about their sales without respect to what is actually true and ethical. Be careful, the internet is full of snakes, scam artists, and unscrupulous people. I would expect most places of business to actually know about the product they sell, but it’s becoming more rare with the expanding reach of the internet.
Only available in the “Endless Horizon” mix
AKA: Purple BBG Scorpion, Mixed up with BBG x Neyde
Very Hot/SuperHot
Phenotype or “pheno” is commonly used when referring to peppers/capsicum. Phenotype is the sum of a plants observable characteristics. Phenotype can be influenced with growing conditions and how the combination of genes present themselves. Genotype is basically the average overall look of a plant. Genotype is what is responsible for a particular trait. A plants genotype is the combination of genes that they carry for a specific trait directly from the parents. The genotype is inherited from the parents, and the phenotype isn’t always necessarily. If you are seeing different shapes at different times of the year on the same plant, it’s the phenotypical variation being observed. I usually avoid the genotype term when talking about capsicum. Many genes can react differently with each other and getting that in depth can become a little confusing. Even scientists can’t tell you exactly how every gene or trait will react to each other when combined in capsicum. Many traits have multiple genetic variants, and not all pairings will have a simple dominant or recessive result.