Developed and Released by T-E
10+ F5 Seeds.
C. Chinense
These first appeared in 2018 from the red variant I was growing. I received the original seeds directly from Paul Willet in 2015. I always talk with the creator if anything gets named.
BOC x Reaper was Created by Paul, just before retiring from growing peppers. https://www.facebook.com/OChilliD-445204448929642/
G1(Long) (F5) is the first Orange phenotype to appear in 2016 from the BOC x Reaper Red, which is elongated.
G2 (F4) Appeared in 2018 From the Red phenotype I'v been following and looks more similar to the reds.
G3 (F3) (First Picture) Appeared in 2019, again a generation later from the reds. Looks almost identical to the Red Boc x Reaper phenotype I'v been following based on Pauls F1 Pictures.
As far as I Know, no one else got the orange color variation unless someone renamed them and didn’t say.
Growout goes back long before Orange Reaper or Orange Moruga ever existed.