T-E Discovery & Release
Delicious, fruity, and extremely hot. Created by Paul Willet, I found orange in 2016. With years of selection from early generation seeds, they are finally what I dreamed of! Bhut Orange Copenhagen x Orange Primo. When I first got these, everyone was getting Red lack luster pods. I got lucky enough to find the orange color variation from one plant. As far as I Know, no one else got the orange color variation & it was released here at T-E. They keep getting more gnarly with every generation. Growout goes back long before Orange Reaper or Orange Moruga ever existed. I always talk with the creator if anything gets named.
Generation : F6
Heat Level : Extra Hot/SuperHot
Species : Chinense Dominant
Origin/Hybridizer : Paul Willet/ Color variation and development by Bryan Townshend.
Parents : Bhut Orange Copenhagen x Primo Orange
Immature Pod Color : Light Green
Mature Pod Color : Orange
Production Level : High
Growing Tips : Not too picky, Very Hardy
Pod Size/Length : 1-2.5 in, W/ Moruga like tips
Plant Size: Meduim
Foliage : Green
Flower Color : White
Taste Profile : Slight fruit tones