Developed and Released by T-E
10+ F6 Seeds.
C. Chinense
These first appeared in 2016 a couple generations into the red variation I was growing. I received the original F2 seeds directly from Paul Willet in 2015. I always talk with the creator if anything gets named.
BOC x Reaper was Created by Paul, just before retiring from growing peppers. https://www.facebook.com/OChilliD-445204448929642/
G1(Long) is the first Orange phenotype to appear in 2016 from the BOC x Reaper Red, which is elongated.
G2 Appeared in 2018 From the Red phenotype I'v been following and looks more similar to the reds.
G3 Appeared in 2019, again a generation later from the reds. Looks almost identical to the Red Boc x Reaper phenotype I'v been following based on Pauls F1 Pictures.
Since so many people have renamed and claimed this T-E discovery it’s getting repossessed! As far as I Know, unless “Rhino” is BOC x Reaper; no one else got the orange color variation & they were released here at T-E. Some of the orange selections will revert to red variations.