Retired, Peachy was an F1 never to repeat again. Check out Orangy as that is the selection carried forward.
T-E Release. These came from some mustard Douglahs. The Mustards branched into Green & Butterscotch also. Very Unstable in shape. Some are more orange than peach and I will probably separate the two colors. I also have seen Red, Yellow, Cream, & some Mustard Reverts with cool stingers. Douglah's are well known for their heat. 7 Pots are originally from the island of Trinidad. Peachy has been retired to make way for the Orangy.
Generation : F2
Heat Level : SuperHot
Species : Chinense
Origin: Color Variant Found By T-E
Parents : Douglah refers to mixed race in the islands
Immature Pod Color : Green
Mature Pod Color : Peachy/Orange
Production Level : Medium
Growing Tips : Doesn't like temperature fluctuations
Plant Size : Large,Robust
Pod Size/Length : 2-4 in, Rounded shapes with bumps, indention's, & sometimes Moruga like tips
Foliage : Green
Flower Color : White
Taste Profile : Subtle citrus tones